MCS NIR-Workshop 2015 Siedle Poland

The day before the Pieczarkalia 2015, in Siedlce Poland, MCSubstradd has organized the NIR-workshop “Dare to Share”. Composters from all over the world joined together at an inspiring location to discuss actual and technical subjects concerning compost.
After the welcome words of Joris Kaanen, general Manager at Havens, Peter Christeans talked about the Pittfall’s that can occur on an compost yard. Many mistakes can be made building a compost yard and to find and correct these mistakes is a hard job.
Hennie van der Einde of Walkro BV shared his extended expertise with the audience on the subject “Pittfall’s in composting”. Problems like starting up a new Phase 1 facility and variation in raw materials were addressed.

Yves Moriamez, researcher at Euromycel, gave more inside information about the use of the NIR machine in their research lab and what can be done with the extra information the analysis gives.
Helen Grogan, researcher at Teagasc Ireland, presented work done under the umbrella of MushTV, with the titel “Understanding Trichoderma aggressivum in bulk Phase 3 compost”.

And finally Bart de Leeuw of MCSubstradd talked about the different forms of Nitrogin which can appear in the compost and how available these different forms are for the mushroom mycelium.
After the presentations there were very interesting group discussions with questions like “How can we increase compost efficiency?” and “What are the threads for the compost industry?”
The next day, after the farm visit, the participants visit the Pieczarkalia 2015, the Polish Mushroom days.
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