
Trusted Suppliers
MCSubstradd® is produced at the HAVENS-site in Maashees (the Netherlands), in a dedicated HACCP-certified production-facility. Since the early 1990's, the whole site is GMP-, GMP-plus, KAT-, QS- and HACCP-certified. Since 2005, HAVENS also participates in SAFE-FEED, the new European standard in feed-quality.
All incoming ingredients are subject to strict rules to ensure safe products of a qualitative high standard according to HACCP and GMP+. Therefore, we only use high quality raw materials for our mushroom-supplements. All incoming raw materials and nutrients are carefully tested in our own laboratory.
Dedicated production
At the MCSubstradd®-production plant, all individual ingredients and components are collected and stored separately thanks to an advanced contamination-free reception-system.
At MCSubstradd® we work closely with our nutritionist and the HAVENS-laboratory while composing our supplements. Hereby it is possible to ensure the quality nutritional values of all our supplements.
Research & know-how
As part of HAVENS, MCSubstradd® can use all available research-facilities within the company. Fields-tests provide important sources of information to improve supplementation.
All MCSubstradd®-products are based on delayed-release protein-technology, developed in the 1970's and further improved ever since.
Over the years, we have been engaged in numerous experimental- and field-tests at the Mushroom Experimental Stations in:
  • Horst (The Netherlands): 'Proefstation voor de Champignoncultuur';
  • Roeselare (Belgium): 'Proefcentrum voor de Champignonteelt';
  • Kennett Square (USA);
  • and in the Loire-valley (Rou Marson, France).
Innovative supplements
The MCSubstradd®-product range now consists of a complete line of high quality delayed-release mushroom-supplements for Phase II and Phase III compost. We offer supplements for every possible situation, growing system or compost type. All MCSubstradd®-products are fully balanced regarding nutritional content: protected proteins, nitrogen, carbohydrates, lipids, crude fibre, micronutrients, etc.
Supplements are made of a compost-stable protein source, which ensures a substantial better yield.